CBA is strongly committed to preserving natural resources and biodiversity, and helping to limit climate change. Our mine reclamation efforts and low-carbon aluminium production processes are a part of this commitment. And we exercise good water, energy and waste stewardship. This is how we are building industry leadership in sustainability.
Water stewardship
Growing water consumption around the world is impacting available resources, making them increasingly scarce and less accessible. The lack of water stewardship combined with extended droughts is exacerbating the threat to people and our planet from the current climate emergency. The aluminium production process is water-intensive and water-dependent. Indeed, without water, there can be no aluminium.
This program is active in the following SDGs
(Sustainable Development Goals)
The mining and metals industry experienced water-related financial impacts amounting to USD 11.8 billion from 2013 to 2018 (CDP, 2018).
CBA recognizes that water usage needs to be managed in a way that minimizes impacts and reduces pressures on local water resources. We are committed to reducing our water dependence by lowering consumption and increasing reuse at each stage of our operations. CBA has clearly articulated guidance in place on managing water and effluents, and conforms to all applicable legal requirements and the practices prescribed in global industry standards.
Our 2030 Goal
Reduce water withdrawals per metric ton of molten aluminium by 20% (from a 2019 baseline).
CBA also produces forests and biodiversity. As part of our sustainability governance, we work to minimize environmental impacts from our operations, restore native vegetation, and increase environmental awareness among our employees and the communities where we operate.
This program is active in the following SDGs
(Sustainable Development Goals)
Restored forests provide a habitat to which native fauna can return, including birds, wild animals and even large mammals—benefiting people and our planet. In addition, an industry that values the carbon stored in vegetation and the soil can create new business models and investment opportunities that help to prevent deforestation and drive reforestation and land rehabilitation.
Our 2030 Goals
Create/expand 1 hectare of wildlife corridors for every 10 hectares of mined and reclaimed land.
10% of key suppliers and customers co-investing in forest and biodiversity programs.