The Partnership to Value Education (PVE) in Divinolândia is back!
The Partnership to Value Education [Parceria pela Valorização da Educação – PVE] has started another year of activities in Divinolândia. This initiative brings together primary school (first cycle) teachers and education managers, coordinators, and supervisors in the region, and also promotes social mobilization activities in the communities. This program is a partnership between Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio (CBA), the Votorantim Institute, and the City Department of Education.
The first meetings to create the PVE in Divinolândia took place at the City Department of Education and involved the city’s entire Early Childhood and Primary I (Grades 1-5) network. For the first cycle, a group of mobilizers were selected to incentivize and support local activities. Priorities were also defined for 2022, such as reformulating documents like the school curriculum and the Politico-Pedagogical Project (PPP), given the post-isolation scenario.
The Department of Education will issue reference documents that each school will use to produce their own, focusing on student inclusion and how to address a scenario with students returning to the classroom. Schools will then use these reference documents to take a series of actions, with the support of the PVE mobilization team and community involvement to develop an increasingly inclusive education system.
The PVE will monitor these groups during the four cycles (quarters) of 2022, with virtual meetings with each one of them. The expectation is to execute action plans, record the activities proposed, disclose the results, and share them with other cities and towns for mutual help and support. The main goal is to turn around the learning difficulties experienced during remote education, seeking to end the school year with positive development indicators.
According to Lucama Aparecida Mascarin, the Secretary of Education for Divinolândia, the first cycle achieved the city’s goals with education in 2022. “We really enjoyed the meetings. They were very fruitful and we felt very welcome. We expect to have the program’s support for developing the Political-Pedagogical Project (PPP) and the school curriculum, and for inclusion of students and their families. We want to have organized education planning, and have the support of PVE for this,” she added.
According to Alexis Dias de Souza, manager of the CBA Unit in Poços de Caldas, the partnership between PVE and city school managers contributes to the sustainable development of companies and communities. “The growth and progress of local communities depends directly the quality of the education offered. This is why we work together, focusing on continuously improving the quality of school management and student learning. With the PVE, the Company reiterates its commitment to the qualification of government services, enabling improvements in management that reflect in better social indicators,” he added.
About the PVE
A joint effort of CBA, the Votorantim Institute, and the city governments, the goal of the PVE is to help improve public education by training and mobilizing communities on behalf of quality education.
The PVE turns 14 this year, and mobilizes pedagogical agents and communities around Brazil. In 2018 it reached over 100 cities and towns. Throughout its history it has qualified thousands of educators.