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The Partnership to Value Education embarks upon a new cycle in Niquelândia (GO)



The Covid-19 pandemic has presented new learning challenges for students in Niquelândia (GO). The 13th edition of the Partnership to Value Education (PVE) will accordingly sponsor actions of the Municipal Education Department (SME) to enhance the development of the teaching process in the city, with a strategic plan for the next two years. An initiative of CBA – Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio, in partnership with the Votorantim Institute, the PVE aims to improve public education. It targets education departments and school management. Activities are implemented over four cycles during the year, on the fronts: Educational Management and School Management. The program also engages the community in initiatives carried out under the Social Mobilization front. The municipal education secretary, Wesley Campos, points out that carrying out the program in Niquelândia has been fundamental to fostering the development of social mobilization and management skills to serve 18 educational units and three Municipal Primary Education Centers (Cmeis).   “Primarily in 2020 and 2021, the PVE contributed by offering training for technical teams of SME and school managers about active searches. Upon implementing the actions, the teams managed to reduce the percentage of students out of school”, commemorates Wesley. Last year it reported that truancy amongst 2,493 Primary School students was just 0.5%.   New challenge – One of the main challenges this year is related to the gaps in student learning. The Education secretary of Niquelândia stated that a strategic plan is being put together that proposes actions for pedagogical work in order to conduct an intervention to recompose and recover learning.   “On the one hand, we managed to avoid an increase in truancy and failure rates in 2021, but on the other student performance in core subjects was compromised due to social distancing. We will therefore rely on the PVE in 2022 through joint initiatives in schools to address this problem”, said Wesley Campos, adding that the tasks proposed by the PVE include introducing an assessment process to understand what students are not learning, so that education teams can use an analysis to reinforce classroom content.   “Carrying out the PVE in Niquelândia is a concrete demonstration of our efforts to strengthen communities in our geographies, further driving regional development. By way of this initiative, we are helping the municipality make consistent and enduring improvements to public education, making advances that will positively impact present and future generations”, pointed out CBA’s general sustainability manager Leandro Faria.   The city in Goiás state has become a municipality graduated in the PVE methodology and the ongoing work will focus on bolstering the recovery of learning and related management topics. The PVE is committed to improving public education, carrying out joint actions with the Municipal Government of Niquelândia by way of its Municipal Education Department. This year, the PVE benefited from advice of the Center for Studies and Research in Education, Culture, and Community Action (Cenpec), a non-profit civil society organization represented by trainer Rosani Aparecida dos Passos Berchelli.

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