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Education in São Sebastião da Vargem Alegre receives national award



São Sebastião da Vargem Alegre enjoyed the limelight at the 2020 edition of the Partnership for Education Awards (PVE), organized by Instituto Votorantim through Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio (CBA), with the aim of helping improve public education in the municipalities it operates in. At a virtual online ceremony, the town in Minas Gerais state was one of the winners in the category “Education Experiences”.

In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, São Sebastião da Vargem Alegre, which has participated in the program since 2018, not only ensured educational materials were delivered, but also looked after the emotional feelings of students, providing messages of support to their relatives and guardians. The town also strove to inform and prepare families about the remote municipal learning plan through videos, informative letters and kits containing masks and hand sanitizer.

This edition of the PVE Awards recognized inspiring practices in the participating municipalities which guaranteed students could keep learning during the pandemic. The 16 best remote teaching experiences, family relationship strategies and youth empowerment initiatives were therefore singled out. It aims to recognize and disseminate cases of achievement through videos and animations.

In 2020, PVE embraced 75 municipalities in 15 Brazilian states, with the participation of more than one thousand schools, impacting 386 thousand students. The videos made by the award-winning cities can be seen on the program’s Facebook page (

Votorantim’s Partnership for Education (PVE)

The Program is an initiative run by the Votorantim Institute and Votorantim investees and partners committed to improving public education by perfecting education practices and engaging communities around education.

In place since 2008, the Program operates on three fronts: Educational Management, School Management and Social Engagement. To strengthen management, the PVE directly contributes to qualifying education services. The initiatives seek the development of technical professional skills of the Education departments, educational managers and schools. The program aims to bolster the culture of ongoing training of education professionals as a whole.

In social mobilization, the focus is on engaging the community in order to increase local participation in demands for quality education. Tools are used that approximate families to schools, fostering and strengthening school councils and encouraging the empowerment of children.

PVE Award

The PVE Award was created in 2017 primarily to expand engagement and commitment by various municipal players involved in PVE initiatives, in addition to shedding light on the good practices and initiatives carried out under the Program.

The PVE 2020 Award recognized inspiring practices taking place in the municipalities that enabled students to keep learning during the pandemic. The 16 best remote teaching experiences, family relationship strategies and youth empowerment initiatives were therefore singled out.

About CBA

Founded in 1955, Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio (CBA) is a vertically integrated, sustainable producer of high-quality aluminum products. With hydroelectric generation capacity for 100% of our energy requirement, CBA’s operations span both bauxite mining and processing into primary aluminum (ingots, billets, rod and slabs) and semi-fabricated products (plate, sheet, foil and profiles). Working closely with customers, CBA also develops tailored solutions and services for the packaging and transportation markets, helping customers to produce more lightweight, durable and sustainable products.

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