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Divinolândia to participate in 2021 edition of Partnership for Education



Divinolândia, in Brazil’s southeastern state of São Paulo, was among the municipalities to participate in this year’s Partnership for Education (PVE) alignment event organized by Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio (CBA) and the Votorantim Institute. The event, held this year in a virtual format due to the COVID-19 pandemic, presented the national Program plan for 2021. The PVE Program aims to improve public education in the municipalities where Votorantim and its portfolio companies operate through initiatives in partnership with municipal governments and municipal education offices.

This year’s alignment event featured workshops, lectures and roundtables with education experts from across Brazil. In the workshop series, participants discussed practical approaches to public education in Brazil and providing continued schooling for children who are homebound because of the pandemic.

From adapting to the challenges created by COVID-19 in 2020, in 2021 the Program will shift to planning with the new municipal administrations to continue to secure students’ education rights and help them catch up on lost learning. Meanwhile, the different Program fronts have continued to support local education offices in managing the pandemic, implementing the Brazilian National Curriculum (BNCC), using the Basic Education Maintenance and Development Fund (FUNDEB), and implementing hybrid learning models.

The COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020

Amid and despite the coronavirus pandemic, participating municipalities continued their initiatives within the PVE under safety protocols recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). To assist citizens in need, facilitators collected and distributed masks, and created a program of virtual events to ensure all participants could stay connected.

Divinolândia’s onboarding was among the highlights in the 2020 edition of the PVE Program. Efforts to mobilize the community included videos posted on Facebook to encourage participation by children sheltering at home, and online lectures for education professionals.

About PVE

The Partnership for Education Program is an initiative run by the Votorantim Institute and Votorantim portfolio companies to improve public education in the municipalities where Votorantim operates and in surrounding communities. The Program works to perfect education and school management practices and engage communities around education.

About CBA

Founded in 1955, Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio (CBA) is a vertically integrated, sustainable producer of high-quality aluminum products. With hydroelectric generation capacity for 100% of our energy requirement, CBA’s operations span both bauxite mining and processing into primary aluminum (ingots, billets, rod and slabs) and semi-fabricated products (plate, sheet, foil and profiles). Working closely with customers, CBA also develops tailored solutions and services for the packaging and transportation markets, helping customers to produce more lightweight, durable and sustainable products.

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