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CBA joins the UN’s Leadership with ImPact Program in Brazil



CBA – Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio (CBAV3) has just joined the Leadership with ImPact Program in Brazil of the UN’s Global Compact, which aims to attract, engage, raise awareness of and empower business leaders to expedite delivery of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), established by the United Nations (UN), through 2030. The CBA CEO, Ricardo Carvalho, is joining the group of other leaders and CEOs who are changing the way of thinking and doing business in their companies, aligning their managerial and operational practices with Global Goals.   “It is a huge honor to be a part of a group of leaders with the common goal of contributing to sustainable development, coupled with good practices and raising awareness of the ESG agenda. We joined this movement in order to further engage companies and leaders to develop targets and action plans in aid of sustainability”, stated Ricardo Carvalho.   After a detailed selection of the Global Compact, Ricardo Carvalho was assigned the mission of being the spokesperson of the SDG 17 – Partnerships for the goals, which has the target of strengthening the means of implementation and revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development. To join the Program, CEOs are evaluated for their engagement and integrity. The analysis considers the company’s involvement in the SDGs defended, the reputational analysis of the company and the executive as well as their level of engagement with the UN’s Global Compact in Brazil and alignment with the premises and assumptions proposed by the initiative in the country.   “Sustainability is an urgent global strategic agenda that cannot be delayed. As leaders, we are responsible for operating as agents of change, engaging the market and society in the implementation of ESG practices. Creating partnerships therefore becomes an essential pathway towards building a collaborative awareness around sustainable development”, adds Carvalho.   CBA is committed to the Global Compact’s principles and adopts Sustainable captive element Goals as guidelines for its 2030 ESG Strategy.

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