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CBA initiates a cycle of actions for the Environmental Education Refresher Training in the region



In its 21-year history, the Environmental Education Program (PEA) has had over 87,000 participants in Zona da Mata Mineira.   Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio (CBA) has started another cycle of actions for the Environmental Education Refresher Training in the region, promoted through its Environmental Education Program (PEA). Held last month in Muriaé, the first meeting was attended by 38 teachers and educators from municipal, state, private and public schools in nine municipalities of the region: Descoberto, Itamarati de Minas, Cataguases, Miraí, Muriaé, São Sebastião da Vargem Alegre, Rosário da Limeira, Miradouro and Fervedouro.   The topic addressed in this year's course is "Critical and Transformational Environmental Education: The 5 Ps of Sustainability." The objective is to provide environmental training so that teachers and educators can impart their knowledge to their students. In the coming months, they will implement the practices learned during the course in their schools, and in October, the actions will come to a head, when the activities and projects carried out throughout the year will be presented.   The Environmental Education Refresher Training will cover different modules, and will address critical environmental analysis, possible transformations and practical and theoretical foundations for the creation of environmental projects. The modules will be based on the "5 Ps of Sustainability": People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnerships. These topics align with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda defined by the United Nations (UN). The training is being conducted by Instituto Moleque Mateiro, a partner in the initiative.   Moleque Mateiro is an environmental education institute that has been developing projects and courses with a focus on immersion in nature since 2005. It works with schools, universities, companies and conservation units through formal and non-formal education programs, developing innovative methodologies for environmental educator training, pedagogical projects, programs for environmental licensing and corporate sustainability and actions for families and communities.   For Phylipe da Silva Dias Almeida, a science and biology teacher at Capitão José Ferreira State School in Muriaé, participating in the course has helped fulfill his dream of teaching environmental issues in the classroom. "I've always wanted to work on environmental education at school, and I can say that this training is surpassing my expectations. After all, to generate environmental awareness, we need to attract people through an understanding of preservation and care," he points out.   Raquel Braga, a teacher in the Cataguases municipal network, says she has already participated in the course in previous years, which she considers a transformational experience. "Believing in teachers and validating their role in society makes CBA and its excellent team worthy of congratulations. The effort that goes into each edition of the course is visible. And most importantly, the technical support that is offered to us from set-up to the presentation of the project. Strengthening the foundations makes all the difference in reaching the top," she comments.   Christian Fonseca de Andrade, manager of CBA’s Mining Units in Zona da Mata Mineira, highlights the importance of ongoing training in this subject for teachers in the region, connecting Sustainable Mining, through PEA, to environmental awareness among children, our future leaders of the planet.   "We always seek to present a broader perspective of the environment we live in to society, with a focus on the communities where we operate. It is therefore possible to spread the positive impacts of Sustainable Mining, generating transformations that go beyond the mineral sector. This synergistic exchange with local educators and partners such as Moleque Mateiro and Trust Gestão e Sustentabilidade is enriching for all of us, and is also an important tool for the development of socio-environmental policies in the region," he concludes.   Environmental Education Program - PEA  Now in its 21st year, CBA's PEA is an initiative that aims to disseminate the environmental viability of mining activities through knowledge about the environment and to enable its conservation, sustainable use and the pursuit of values that lead to harmonious coexistence with the environment and other species that inhabit the planet.   Since its inception, the initiative has involved the participation of more than 145,000 people in Minas Gerais, where the Company has been operating its bauxite mines for over 80 years, and has been present in Zona da Mata Mineira for 40 years.   About CBA Founded in 1955, Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio - CBA is a vertically integrated producer, from cradle to gate, including recycling. Able to generate 100% of energy consumed from renewable sources, CBA provides sustainable solutions for the packaging, transportation, automotive, civil construction, energy and consumer goods sectors, as well as leading the recycling of industrial aluminum scrap. Following its flotation in 2021 (CBAV3), it became the first Company in its segment to be traded on B3 and entered the portfolio of B3ISE - Corporate Sustainability Index in the first year it was eligible to do so. With net revenue of R$ 8.4 billion in 2021 and R$ 1.5 billion in adjusted EBITDA in the period, CBA is committed to guaranteeing a supply of low-carbon aluminum in partnership with stakeholders, developing communities in its geographies and conserving biodiversity. Would you like to know more? Go to  Press Office – Ideia Comunicação Empresarial Ângelo Franco – [email protected] | (31) 9.8435-9237 Josiane Souza - [email protected] | (31) 9.8417-3130

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