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CBA bolsters the safety culture in Zona da Mata with Emergency Dam Drills



Conducted in conjunction with Civil Defense, the exercise is essential for residents to learn the escape route and muster points in the dam's Self-Rescue Zone.   Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio (CBA) relentlessly invests in operational safety and prevention initiatives in the surroundings of its mines in Zona da Mata Mineira, in conjunction with the Municipal and State Civil Defense and other public safety forces. To bolster this safety culture and remind the local community how to proceed in an emergency, CBA conducted the Annual Emergency Dam Drill in person in Miraí and Itamarati de Minas on October 20 and 25, respectively.   This action is essential to guide employees and residents in the municipality's Self-Rescue Zone (ZAS) on how to act preventively.   Christian Fonseca de Andrade, the manager of CBA's mines in Zona da Mata Mineira, stresses the drill’s importance for people living in the ZAS. “Safety is an uncompromising commitment at CBA. It is essential that the population becomes familiar with the sirens and understands the escape routes and muster points, ensuring the effectiveness of the dam's emergency plan. This drill demonstrates our commitment to public safety agencies and the development of a safety culture in the region," he emphasizes.   The drill is part of the Emergency Response Plan for Mining Dams - PAEBM, which complies with dam safety and management practices in accordance with current regulations (ANM Ordinance 70.389/17 and State Law No. 23.291, of 2019). State and municipal Civil Defense officials, the Military Fire Department, the Military Police, the Environmental Military Police, and CBA staff participated in the exercise.   Miraí 150 residents and people in the vicinity when the sirens went off took part in the drill.  In total, 73% of the confirmed and registered individuals in the Self-Rescue Zone (ZAS) followed the instructions.  All participants followed the escape route, which has 31 muster points and 12 sirens.   "This drill is important for us to be aware of what is happening in our community and to feel safe.  I was determined to participate this year and I really liked the assistance, including in the build-up. They talked to us, invited us, and changed the signs," says Delton Macedo da Silva, a resident of ZAS.   Itamarati de Minas 33 residents and people in the vicinity when the sirens went off took part in the drill. In total, 82% of the confirmed and registered individuals in the Self-Rescue Zone (ZAS) followed the instructions. All participants followed the escape route, which has eight muster points and six sirens.   "I participate in the drill every year.  I think this exercise is crucial for learning where to go and understanding the procedures," says resident Mário de Castro Medina.   The Drill The sirens were triggered at 2 p.m. Residents left their homes and followed the escape route, duly marked with informative signs, to the nearest muster point, a safe location according to the mapping conducted in partnership with the municipal Civil Defense department.   At their respective points, participants responded to a survey that evaluated all parts of the process, from clarity of the messages emitted by the sirens to the arrival time and any difficulties encountered during the trajectory.  The information will be used for the continuous improvement of safety culture development.   Miraí Dam Built in a single step, the Miraí Dam has been in operation since 2008 and meets the highest safety criteria. The tailings it holds consist of water, clay, sand and bauxite. The water from the dam is reused in the beneficiation process. CBA also has a Water Treatment Plant - ETA that treats the water before returning it to the Preto River, meeting legal discharge parameters.   Itamarati de Minas Dam Built in a single step, the Itamarati de Minas Dam began operating in 1992 and maintains continuous control and maintenance of its structures and systems.  Currently, CBA is focusing on technological development for the use of stored minerals, which are mainly composed of water, clay, sand and bauxite.   Safety management CBA has a robust dam safety management system (SIGBAR) that ensures the physical integrity of its dams, including routine biweekly, monthly and semiannual monitoring. The dams also undergo periodic external audits conducted by an independent geotechnical specialist company and are inspected by the respective public agencies, possessing all the technical reports required by law, which attest to the integrity and safety of their structures.   About CBA Founded in 1955, Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio - CBA is a vertically integrated producer, from cradle to gate. Able to generate 100% of energy consumed from renewable sources, CBA provides sustainable solutions for the packaging, transportation, automotive, civil construction and consumer goods sectors, as well as leading the recycling of industrial aluminum scrap. Following its flotation in 2021 (CBAV3), it became the first Company in its segment to be traded on B3. With net revenue of R$ 8.4 billion in 2021 and R$ 1.5 billion of Adjusted EBITDA in the period, CBA is committed to guaranteeing a supply of low-carbon aluminum in partnership with stakeholders, developing communities in its geographies and conserving biodiversity. Would you like to know more? Visit   CBA Press Office – Ideia Comunicação Ângelo Franco – [email protected] | (31) 9.8435-9237 Josiane Souza – [email protected] | (31) 9.8417-3130

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