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CBA and Instituto Votorantim sponsor the project Sport + Education in Niquelândia (GO)



Using sport to drive social transformation for children and youngsters in Niquelândia. This is the mission of the Sport + Education project, an initiative of the Niquelândia Running Club (ACN), which has been operating in the region for 15 years, fostering personal development through sport and education. The project is sponsored by Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio (CBA) and Instituto Votorantim, as well as the Niquelândia municipal government and the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (CMDCA). The 2022 edition of Sport + Education was launched this Tuesday, March 29, at the Club’s headquarters. On the occasion, the children and youngsters included in the project were given sporting materials and uniforms to participate in the activities. 60 school goers aged between 7 and 17 will benefit from public schools in Niquelândia. The project aims to nurture comprehensive development, self-esteem, health, social integration and enhance quality-of-life, through free athletics activities. According to the founder of ACN and the coordinator of the Sport + Education project, Gilson Silvério de Bastos, the project will also offer soccer classes in 2022. “Following the announcement of this news, more than 400 people have expressed an interest in the project, including girls. We have filled all the 60 vacancies and made a waiting list, also opening 10 vacancies for private schools, where the students’ parents will be responsible for paying for the sporting materials and uniforms. This shows how much the municipality needs sports projects. The support from our partners makes all the difference to help us continuing to develop citizens and athletes”, he said.   Classes – To select participants for the Sport + Education project, ACN volunteers visit state schools to present the project and invite students to participate. The children and youngsters demonstrating an interest underwent screening by the Club which consisted of calling their parents or guardians. Selected participants will start their classes on March 31 at the ACN headquarters, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Classes will take place after school, in the morning and afternoon periods, with students separated by age range. The team of professionals that will work on the project is comprised of two PE teachers, a physiotherapist and a nursing technician. The classes will take place by December 2022. In addition to benefiting children and adolescents, the Sport + Education project is also aimed at parents or guardians, who will be given information on how to warn children and youngsters about tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, also reinforcing health precautions during the pandemic, amongst other topics. Extra school classes will also be offered to project beneficiaries. According to the Industrial manager of CBA’s Niquelândia facility, Wagdo Braga Gomes, the project has an important social nature, which benefits the local community with extremely positive public-private partnerships.

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