Barro Alto and Niquelândia to participate in 2021 edition of Partnership for Education program
Barro Alto and Niquelândia, in Brazil’s midwestern state of Goiás, were among the municipalities to participate in this year’s Partnership for Education (PVE) alignment event organized by Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio (CBA) and the Votorantim Institute. The event, held this year in a virtual format due to the COVID-19 pandemic, presented the national PVE Program plan for 2021.
In Barro Alto, the program will be implemented for the first time this year in partnership with the Municipal Government and the Municipal Education Office.
The PVE Program aims to improve public education in the municipalities where Votorantim and its portfolio companies operate. This year’s alignment event featured workshops, lectures and roundtables with education experts from across Brazil. In the workshop series, participants discussed practical approaches to public education in Brazil and providing continued schooling for children who are homebound because of the pandemic.
From adapting to the challenges created by COVID-19 in 2020, in 2021 the Program will shift to planning with the new municipal administrations to continue to secure students’ education rights and help them catch up on lost learning. Meanwhile, the different Program fronts have continued to support local education offices in managing the pandemic, implementing the Brazilian National Curriculum (BNCC), using the Basic Education Maintenance and Development Fund (FUNDEB), and implementing hybrid learning models.
The PVE in Niquelândia
This will be Niquelândia’s 14th consecutive year as a participant in the Partnership for Education (PVE) Program. The more than decade-long presence of the program in the municipality illustrates the strength of CBA’s commitment to supporting economic and social development through education. In the previous year the major priority was helping schools stay connected to students during the pandemic, and in 2021 the Program will continue to focus on distance learning.
Municipal Education Secretary Wesley Campos attended the annual alignment event to formalize Niquelândia’s continued participation in the PVE program in 2021. He believes program outcomes in 2020 were highly positive, with 99.02% student attendance and a truancy rate of just 0.8%. “We will maintain the current methodology in 2021, again with support from PVE, which has been a valuable partner in finding new solutions to emerging challenges,” says Campos.
Classes in Niquelândia will continue to be taught via WhatsApp sessions, mobile apps, video tutorials, online activities, podcasts and other tools that public schools have quickly adopted to keep students engaged and help prevent truancy.
International coverage – The Municipal Education Office created a distance learning program, REANP, to provide high-quality education to children who are homebound during the COVID-19 pandemic. Niquelândia’s successful implementation of the system with support from PVE received international media coverage in an article about how Brazilian municipalities have found innovative ways to keep students engaged and learning.
Formalized by the Municipal Education Board through resolutions passed by the Municipal Office of Education, the distance-learning program provides guidance on administrative and education activities across the 21 public schools in Niquelândia. Alongside technological tools for distance learning, the program features other solutions to help ensure continued access to education for the municipality’s more than 3,350 students.
An above-national-average IDEB score – In the most recent Basic Education Development Index (IDEB) assessment in 2019, Niquelândia scored an average of 5.9 for the 1st to 5th grade of primary education, exceeding the municipal target of 5.4 and the national target of 5.7. For subsequent grades (6th to 9th), Niquelândia retained its previous score of 4.6. The proportion of students with satisfactory achievement in reading comprehension and problem solving was level with the state and national averages. For example, the percentage of 9th grade students performing well in language arts was 35% in Niquelândia, compared to 35% for the state of Goiás and 33% for Brazil.
About PVE
The Partnership for Education Program is an initiative run by the Votorantim Institute and Votorantim portfolio companies to improve public education in the municipalities where Votorantim operates and in surrounding communities. The Program works to perfect education and school management practices and engage communities around education.
About CBA
Founded in 1955, Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio (CBA) is a vertically integrated, sustainable producer of high-quality aluminum products. With hydroelectric generation capacity for 100% of our energy requirement, CBA’s operations span both bauxite mining and processing into primary aluminum (ingots, billets, rod and slabs) and semi-fabricated products (plate, sheet, foil and profiles). Working closely with customers, CBA also develops tailored solutions and services for the packaging and transportation markets, helping customers to produce more lightweight, durable and sustainable products.
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