

Reflora CBA Program

We believe that only together will we be able to make a difference for biodiversity!

The initiative, which is a partnership between CBA, Instituto Votorantim and Reservas Votorantim, will promote the recovery of ecosystems and the increase in Brazilian biodiversity through reforestation, an action directly linked to CBA's ESG agenda.


Initiative Expansion

The initiative was expanded to most of the municipalities in which CBA operates, including cities in São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Paraná and Goiás.

The objective is to look for localized areas, preferably. Check out the municipalities included in our notice!

  • Núcleo Niquelândia (Legado Verdes do Cerrado): Niquelândia e Barro Alto, em Goiás;
  • Núcleo UHE Salto do Rio Verdinho: Itarumã e Caçu, em Goiás;
  • Núcleo Zona da Mata: Cataguases, Descoberto, Itamarati de Minas, Leopoldina, Miraí, Muriaé, Rosário da Limeira, São João Nepomuceno, São Sebastião da Vargem Alegre, em Minas Gerais;
  • Núcleo Vale do Ribeira (Legado das Águas): Alumínio, Araçariguama, Ibiúna, Juquiá, Juquitiba, Mairinque, Miracatu, Piedade, Tapiraí, Votorantim, em São Paulo;
  • Núcleo Piraju-Ourinhos: Avaré, Canitar, Chavantes, Manduri, Ourinhos, Piraju, Sarutaiá, em São Paulo; Jacarezinho e Ribeirão Claro no Paraná.

The Reflora CBA Program will provide seedlings and planting, among other benefits, that enable reforestation, promoting increasingly significant and lasting socio-environmental benefits in the locations where it operates.

The selection of areas that will be part of the Reflora CBA will take into account the status of the documents and possible liabilities of the properties and their owners or squatters.

The priority criteria will be eliminatory and the additional ones will generate a score for classifying properties and owners. 

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